Pentelka,L., Hebron, C., Shapleski, R., Goldshtein, I. (2012)The effect of increasing sets (within one treatment session) and different set durations (between treatment sessions) of lumbar spine posteroanterior mobilisations on pressure pain thresholds. Manual Therapy, 17, 6, 526-530.
Krouwel O, Hebron, C, Willett E (2009) An Investigation into the Potential Hypoalgesic Effects of Different Amplitudes of PA Mobilisations on the Lumbar Spine as Measured by Pressure Pain Thresholds (PPT). Manual Therapy, 15,1 7-12.
Willett E, Hebron C, Krouwel O.(2009) The Initial Effects of different rates of Lumbar Mobilisations on Pressure Pain Thresholds in asymptomatic subjects Manual Therapy, 15, 2, 173-178.
Poster presentations
Hebron, C., Moore, A., Saber-Sheikh, K., Jackson, A. (2012). The immediate effects of 3 and 6 minutes of lumbar mobilisations on pain, ROM and stiffness in patients with low back pain: IFOMPT, the World Congress of Manual/Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. September 30 to October 5, Quebec City, Canada.
Krouwel O and Hebron C. An Investigation into the Potential Hypoalgesic Effects of Different Amplitudes of PA Mobilisations on the Lumbar Spine as Measured by Pressure Pain Thresholds (PPT). 7th Interdisciplinary World Conference on Low Back and Pelvic Pain. 9th -12th November 2010, Los Angeles, USA.
Conference presentations
Hebron, C., Moore, A., Saber-Sheikh, K., Jackson , A. (2012). A comparison of three-point bending and displacement methods of stiffness measurements in the lumbar spine: IFOMPT, the World Congress of Manual/Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. September 30 to October 5, Quebec City, Canada.
Pentelka,L., Hebron, C., Shapleski, R., Goldshtein, I. (2012). The effect of increasing sets (within one treatment session) and different set durations (between treatment sessions) of lumbar spine posteroanterior mobilisations on pressure pain thresholds: IFOMPT, the World Congress of Manual/Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. September 30 to October 5, Quebec City, Canada.
Pentelka L, Hebron C, Shapleski R. The effect of different durations of lumbar spine posteroanterior mobilisations on pressure pain thresholds. The 11th Israel National Physiotherapy Conference: 17th May 2011, Airport City, Israel.
Willett E and Hebron C. The Initial Effects of different rates of Lumbar Mobilisations on Pressure Pain Thresholds in asymptomatic subjects. Society of Back Pain Research: 6th and 7th November 2008, Keele, UK.
Willett E and Hebron C. The Initial Effects of different rates of Lumbar Mobilisations on Pressure Pain Thresholds in asymptomatic subjects. KC/MACP Conference: 30th October -1st November 2009, Edinburgh, UK.
Willett E and Hebron C. The Initial Effects of different rates of Lumbar Mobilisations on Pressure Pain Thresholds in asymptomatic subjects. ACPSM Conference: Belfast 2008.