The aim of this pilot study was to compare EMG activity in six muscles surrounding the shoulder joint during propulsion of three different Action3 manual one arm drive wheelchairs:
- a NuDrive lever attached to one wheel
- the Neater Uni-wheelchair
- a standard Action3 wheelchair.
Each wheelchair was steered using the Neater Uni-wheelchair steering mechanism attachment. Surface EMG was measured during dynamic propulsion of each wheelchair during propulsion around an indoor circuit and obstacle course.
Seventeen non-disabled users were randomly assigned each wheelchair. During propulsion a multiple sensor, continuous measurement of force was recorded. The EMG data was measured using the biometrics data link system v 7.5 and the data was measured at 1000 Hz. The EMG electrodes were attached according to Seniam guidelines. Time taken to complete different sections of the circuit were recorded.
Mean activity levels for each muscle were calculated per user per wheelchair.